Friday, June 15, 2012


Guten Tag good friends,

      One of my favorite Youtube channels is for the TED talks. For those who do not know, TED stands for technology, education, and design, and it gives an organized platform for the world's leading scientists, scholars, and humanitarians to converge and discuss their ideas with the goal of improving the world we live in. Thousands of influential leaders and academics from all over the world come together for these events, and many fascinating ideas and discoveries are shared and proposed at this forum. While watching some of these videos, I came across a link to a video on Albert Einstein.
      His name is essentially synonimous with the word genius, and his intellect will likely be revered for many generations. The video was narrated by British biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins. Dawkins was attempting to prove that Einstein's belief in God was distantly removed from the Christian concept of the personal God. Likewise, I saw links to other videos on Stephen Hawkings' beliefs on God. I have heard people talk about Darwin renouncing his theory of evolution on his deathbed. People argue about whether or not Thomas Jefferson was a theist or an unbeliever. There is seemingly a battle between the religious and scientific communities to claim history's intellectuals to validate their own points of view.
      On the converse, people try to argue over the beliefs of the worst dictators, Hitler and Stalin, in an attempt to gain moral superiority. They are people whose actions only reflect their own desires. The thought came to me as I reflected on these things, "Does a single person's belief or disbelief in God, no matter how tremendous his or her impact on humanity, really prove or disprove the existence of God?"
      I don't believe it does. We often look to these people as an architype for our own thoughts because of the power of their ideas and discoveries and how much they supercede our own thoughts and intellects. It is natural. Having faith in anything you cannot outright prove with your own senses is very difficult, and it makes it easier to say, "Well Einstein was so brilliant, and he believed it. So it must be true." However, our faith does not come from Einstein or any other great mind produced by the annals of history, no matter how brilliant. It comes from God whose wisdom is beyond all men. If you are struggling with your faith because perhaps someone has tried to diminish it as uneducated ignorance, or an obsolete mode of thought, remember that scientific trends and great philosophies change with the centuries, but God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He cannot be discredited by any human being.

"Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of the world?" 1 Corinthians 1:20

Gott segne dich,

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